Look! Mood Bear prepared a VIDEO GUIDE! Give it a watch, Peer!

To slow down your pace of breathing:4-7-8 Pursed Lip BreathingReminder:
Click on the arrow to go back to the RELAX page!
Click the house to go back to the main page with Mood and Love Bear.

Look! Mood Bear prepared a VIDEO GUIDE! Give it a watch, Peer!

To practice breathing fully:Diaphragmatic/Belly BreathingReminder:
Click on the arrow to go back to the RELAX page!
Click the house to go back to the main page with Mood and Love Bear.

Look! Mood Bear prepared a VIDEO GUIDE! Give it a watch, Peer!

To practice positive visualization:Breath Focus TechniqueReminder:
Click on the arrow to go back to the RELAX page!
Click the house to go back to the main page with Mood and Love Bear.

Look! Mood Bear prepared a VIDEO GUIDE! Give it a watch, Peer!

To bring about balance and equanimity:Box Breathing (Equal Breathing)Reminder:
Click on the arrow to go back to the RELAX page!
Click the house to go back to the main page with Mood and Love Bear.

Look! Mood Bear prepared a VIDEO GUIDE! Give it a watch, Peer!

To relieve shortness of breath:Deep BreathingReminder:
Click on the arrow to go back to the RELAX page!
Click the house to go back to the main page with Mood and Love Bear.

Look! Mood Bear prepared a VIDEO GUIDE! Give it a watch, Peer!

To relieve frustration and headaches:Humming Bee Breath (Bhramari)Reminder:
Click on the arrow to go back to the RELAX page!
Click the house to go back to the main page with Mood and Love Bear.

Videos to make you smileLet’s see if we can get you to crack a smile. Click on these links to watch some positively funny and cute videos that will surely make your day.